Thursday, November 14, 2013

Week 2- My Life Story

Well, I was born back at the Tikur Ambesa (Black Lion) hospital of Ethiopia, in 1996. My mother was in labor for about 20 hrs and she still holds that against me every time we argue. I was also quite a hefty baby weighing in about 7 kilos(~15 lbs) with about half that weight coming from my head. Its still a running gag in my family since i have a large head and all ( -_- ) .

I was very independent for a child. I taught myself how to ride a bike at the age of 5, needless to say i fell down quite a few times before i got the hang of it (i still have souvenir scars from those days). I used to get in trouble a lot back when i was a kid. I once knocked one of my friends teeth out for making me spill my lunch on the floor lol, but surprisingly he became my best friend until i left Ethiopia.

I came to America halfway through 3rd grade and enrolled in Stafford Elementary school. I knew some basic English but not enough to fluently hold a conversation so i was in English as a Second language classes for about a year and a half after my arrival. Not knowing English, humbled me and i become a whole lot nicer than i used to be. I moved to  the Lexington Settlement area 4th grade year, so i started going to Dulles Elementary school. The quality of education i received when compared to Stafford, drastically improved at Dulles. Although i took ESL i think i learned most of my English from just watching TV and reading books. I used to read books all the time, up until high school where i kinda stopped having leisure time where i could read. My favorite books had to be mangas and comics though. Reading Naruto, dragon ball z, yu-gi-oh, and marvel comics kind of helped me assimilate myself into american culture and helped me make a lot of new freinds.

Middle school was an...interesting experience. lol I felt like a Pokemon evolving , with my voice getting deeper and the changes that came along with it, and all of a sudden These girls i used to play games with all the time, suddenly got a whole lot prettier to look at. I finally met my first love in 8th grade. She had nice leathery brown skin, with white stripes around her torso. She acted like such a bi...big meanie to me at times. I'm talking about football of course, and our love has being going about 5 years strong now. The funny thing is i though it was going into soccer tryouts the first day of practice, i had mistaken futbol for football and ended up sticking with the latter( They really oughta name American football into something more appropriate).

I'll be graduating this year, and hopefully i can become a longhorn or a red raider in college. I really don't know what i want to be right now, but i knew its probably gonna be somewhere in the engineering field since i enjoy a lot of math and physics. I would like to be married by the time i'm 30, and maybe even have a kid by then. I want my future wife to have 5 boys and i'm going to name them Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon, and Micheal. lol not really but i would wanna have at least 3 kids by the time i'm done.

 I don't know who i'm going to marry. My parents would probably prefer if i married an Ethiopian women, but i don't really care. If shes pretty and can cook that's good enough for me . When i retire i want to open up a small bakery or restaurant so ill have something to do as a hobby. Its probably going to be in Ethiopia though. I feel like if i die of old age, ill probably be around for a while since i like working out, but life's unpredictable so i don't really know.

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